Monday 14 March 2016

Band of Brothers

Band of Brothers

Band of Brothers
Band of Brothers is a 10 part mini-series which followed Easy Company (101st Airborne Division) of the American Infantry Regiment. It is based on a true story of each individuals soldiers experience of the war and have documentaries of the real living soldiers speaking about the war and their comrades.

Spielberg(left) Hanks (right)
The series follows the company from basic training all the way into the drop into major European conflicts, through until the end of the war in Japan. The interviews with the real soldiers who were in the battles really bring character and reliability to the series which made me really enjoy it. It was directed by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks who also worked together on Saving Private Ryan and that was a spectacular film so you can expect the same from these 10 episodes they made for this.

The events are dramatized for the viewers entertainment but they really happened in WW2, each episode is dedicated to a certain part of Easy company's war effort. The show follows the company through thick and thin, from Carentan to Bastogne, it is superb how they done this and the effects are second to none! If you have a home cinema system I highly recommend using it for this you would think you are in the battle when you hear the shells splitting the tree's in Bastogne.
Easy company being shelled upon in Bastogne.

Mjr. Richard Winters
The quality of the acting in the series is amazing especially from Major Richard Winters (1918-2011) who is played by Damian Lewis who is a big time star on various other roles, he really brings you in to love the show and the characters, you are on the edge every episode hoping they survive through the next firefight! The accuracy of the show was stated as 3-4 higher than any Hollywood movie that was released on the war this was due to all the fine knitting being done and the veterans were even on set to confirm accuracy, the veterans got to watch the episode before any were released to see if they approved first and foremost which was really important I believe as they are portraying their lives in the field where they lost important people in the war effort.

If you enjoy action packed war films then this is honestly one of the best things you will ever watch on TV relating to the war, I was gripped when I started and watched the whole 10 episodes in no time! I liked the combination of it being historically accurate as well as entertaining enough for the viewer to enjoy, pretty much like a action packed informative documentary on the war.

Its not all fun as you would know, it does show horrible facts of the war, good soldiers dying and its a graphic eye-opening viewing throughout the show, the one part that got me was when they found a concentration camp the accuracy of it was unbelievable it turned my stomach, it was like watching Schindler's list all over again, good viewing but hard to think that this actually happened.
Easy Company finding a Concentration Camp.

Easy Company found this camp all locked and the German soldiers had evacuated it and left because of the allied presence in the area, so the prisoners were left to die, houses burning, bodies piled up burning, children starving, I don't know how they done it but the people who played the parts of the prisoners looked the part you can see just every single bone on there body in the scene as they obviously had no food or water and were slowly dying away, its a horrible sight but at the same time an amazing informative viewing of history.
The real Easy Company (Band of Brothers).

I would definitely recommend watching, its fairly cheap on Blu-Ray and will keep you amused for a fair while! Lots of interesting facts on the Blu-Ray also if its your cup of tea.

Band of Brothers Official Site

Band of Brothers Official Trailer

1 comment:

  1. My boyfriend was a sniper in the army and he loves everything army related so will definitely be giving this a watch!


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